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Our mascot

Baron the Cat, Barsik for short. An indispensable farm worker with an official allowance. Primary duties: rodent control and anti-stress procedures for employees and guests of the enterprise, as well as work area daily inspections.

Dedication & Passion

We use sustainable aquaculture to produce the delicacy, therefore it is our priority to assure perfect conditions for sturgeon and rainbow trout rearing practices.

It requires patience, time and care in order to produce high-quality products. That’s why our process includes a holistic system where fish are given the perfect environment and taken care of.

Our Guests

The BLK-Fish enterprise has become the "pearl" of the Murmansk region. Famous throughout the region, the farm is happily visited by celebrities, travellers and officials. Tours for adults and schools are welcome. Foreign guests also visit the unique farm - the BBC television company, and even the king of Sweden, who was on a visit to the Murmansk region.

Our Production

The incubation shop of the plant with recirculating water supply (RAS) is equipped with modern equipment to ensure the most favourable conditions for the incubation of eggs and rearing of juvenile fish.

Unique technologies for the production of black and red caviar have been developed in the caviar shop of the enterprise. 

We have been exporters since 2020. The production of Rainbow trout and Lensky sturgeon goes through a full cycle from laying eggs in our nursery and growing seedlings in adult production facilities to the finished product. 

Our fish ponds are located in the waters of Lake Imandra, which is the largest reservoir of the Kola Peninsula.

Krikalev S. K.

Cosmonaut Hero of the USSR

Chibis A. V.

Governor of the Murmansk region

Merzlikin A. I.

Russian film and theater actor

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